Use Access's Report Generator to create a report as follows:

  • After launching Access, open the database that has your Home Inventory Table;
  • Using the Report Wizard:
    • Select your Home Inventory table;
    • Select all fields for the report;
    • Group records by the Room field;
    • Sort records by the Price field in descending order;
    • Include "Summary Options" of:
      • A sum of the PRICE field;
      • Show Detail and Summary;
      • Calculate percent of total sums;
    • Set "LAYOUT" to:
      • Blocked;
      • Portrait orientation;
      • Check the box to adjust field widths so all fields fit in on one page;
    • Set type face/style to "Corporate";
  • Make the following modifications to the report (which can be done through the "Design View" option of the report generator):
    • Title:
      • In all uppercase letters, modify the report Title to "NAME'S HOME INVENTORY", where "NAME'S" is your name (such as "JOHN'S HOME INVENTORY");
      • Center align the report Title to the middle of the page;
    • Room Footer:
      • Move the Summary Line (of record count) below the Sum and Percent lines;
      • Make sure the Sum and Percent summaries are lined (vertically) with the Price column;
      • Adjust the positions ot the Summary Line and the Sum and Percent lines to avoid unneccessary gaps in spaces.
    • Adjust line spacing, if neccessary, to so that the report is one page in length.
  • Preview the report. When it appears as specified above, print it.