create - Create A New Database
create FileName <-- create a new database file.
The create command dumps you into the file creation program where you are given the opportunity to determine the database structure/layout. You will select field names, field types (Character, Logical, Date, Currency, Numeric, and Memo, etc.), and field size.
Create Client <-- create a database, called Client.DBF, in the default directory.
Create C:\305\Client <-- create a database, called Client.DBF, in the 305 directory on the C hard drive.
You can establish the directory path, but it is much better to set the default directory and allow all files to be automatically grouped together in this default directory
When a new database is constructed, each field must have a symbolic name by which it can be referenced. These field names are 1-10 characters in length. The field name may be constructed from any characters in the set {A,B,C,...,Z,Underscore(_)}. Field names are not case sensitive.
Associated with each field will be a datatype. The datatypes that we will explore will be character, numeric, logical, date, and memo. Select a datatype that best fits the type of information that you plan to process. The character and numeric datatypes require that you specify the number of characters that are to be stored. The Client.DBF has been created below.
The default directory has been set to folderC:|Client. The tab key is used to advance to the next block when deciding upon the fields. The 9 fields of the Client database table (Client.DBF) have now been chosen for the database structure. Select the titles for these fields wisely.
When finished designing the layout, use the mouse and select/press OK. When asked "Input Data Records Now", select/push the YES button. (See Below)
This will dump you into a crude data entry editor. Just for practice, try entering a few records.
Valid information for logical fields can be Y or y (Yes), N or n (No), T or t (True), F or f (False).
Valid information for Numeric fields can be +,-,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
Valid information for character fields can be any keyboard characters.
Valid information for the date field can be legal values in the form XX/XX/XX (the editor will provide the /'s).
The Notes field is a memo field; the memo note has memo in lower case; this tells us that there has been no memo information recorded for this file. In order to record memo information with this crude data entry editor, double click on the word memo with your mouse. This will bring up an editing box.
Using the mouse, press/select the
button to close the editing box; all changes will be saved. Press the ESC key to discard the memo changes. Note that Memo becomes capitalized once Notes contains some information. (See Below)
The database record information is updated when you fill a field, when you hit the tab key, and when you hit the enter key. You may add as many records as you like. When finished adding records and wish to cancel/abort the editor, hit the ESC key.
Examination of the A:\Client folder reveals 2 files. The database table information is contained in Client.DBF. The memo information is stored in the corresponding FPT file, called Client.FPT