?/??/??? Commands

  • ™ ? Command:-

          This command is known as a print command. Single question marks is use to print any value
of memory variable on the screen. Each print command always starts with new line.
  • ™ ?? Command
          This command is also known as a print command. Two question marks display the expression
results on the current line at the current position of the desktop

 Syntax:- ? || ?? [PICTURE <expC1>] | [FUNCTION <expC2>]
                                  [AT <expN1>]
                                  [FONT <expC3>[, <expN2>] [STYLE <expC4> | <expr2>]]
 Example:- ? ”name is ”+name
 Example:- ?? i
  • ™ ??? Command :-

          Three question marks command is use to send the output direct to the printer.

Clauses of ? || ?? Command:-

PICTURE <expC1>:= If the PICTURE clause is present, the result of <expr1> is displayed according
to the format specified by <expC1>. <expC1> can consist of function codes, picture codes or a
combination of both.
AT <expN1> :- AT clause is used to specify the column number <expN1> where the output is
displayed. The numeric expression <expN1> can be a UDF that returns a numeric value.
FONT <expC3>[, <expN2>]:-
The character expression <expC3> is the name of the font, and the numeric expression
<expN2> is the font size. If you include the FONT clause but if you not specified the font size
<expN2>, a 10 point font is used. If the font you specify is not available Foxpro automatically select a font with similar font characteristics. The FONT clause is ignored in FoxPro for MS-DOS.
STYLE <expC4> | <expr2>:-
In FoxPro for Windows, you can include the STYLE clause to specify a font style for ? | ??
output. The styles that are available for a font are determined by Windows. If the font style you
specify is not available foxpro automatically select a font style with similar characteristics. The font
style is specified with <expC4>.
  1. B Bold I Italic N Normal O Outline
  2. Q Opaque S Shadow - Strikeout U Underline

You can include more than one character to specify a combination of font styles.

  • ™ Display Memory command :-

 Display memory command is use to show which are the variables are stored in
memory. This command also display the data type and data of variable. We can use like option to
display only those variables detail which match with the expC.
Example:- Display memory like a
(Above command will display the detail of only those variables list on the screen which are match with
starting alphabet ‘A’.

  • ™ Release All command :-

 Release all command is use to delete all the variables which are store in RAM. Clear all
Command also work same as release command.

  • ™ Save to command:-

 Save to command is use to same all the variables in one file. This file is also known as
memory file with the extension of ‘.mem’ Once we store the variable we can restore all the variable in
memory using the Restore from command.
Syntax:- Save to <filename.mem>
Example:- save to rpm.mem
™ Restore command :-
 Restore command is use to Restore the variables from the memory file in which you store the
variable. You can enter this command only when you already create memory file to save the variable
in it. You have to specify the memoryfile name with this command.
Syntax:- Restore from <filename.mem>
Example:- Restore from rpm.mem